Tuesday, November 1, 2011

revised answer key of KVPY SA and SB stream along with solutions


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The following answers are also incorrect. Please rectify the same-

    Question 14.
    Ans - A
    Answer key shows - B
    When the hour digits are 1,10,11 or 12, it will always show the incorrect time. In the rest of the hours, the time will be shown incorrectly for 15 minutes each hour (01,10-19,21,31,41,51). So it displays correct time for 45 minutes each for 8 hours in a 12 hour period.
    Therefore clock shows correct time in=
    45/60*8/12 = 1/2 times.

    Question 26.
    Ans - B,C
    Answer key shows - B
    Though the answer on the key is correct, it is not the only answer. There are exaclty two points at equilibria. The first is to the left of A. The other is between A and B on the line (nearer to A). In this case too, the forces are balanced.

    Question 64.
    Ans - D
    Answer key shows - A.
    The procedure in the answer key is correct. However, in the final step, the question asks for the time taken since "A started riding", which means the original 10 minutes before A stopped must also be taken along with the 20 minutes.
